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Meet the Founder

"My fascination with fashion started at an early age when I found myself constantly drawing people and what they wore. I believe this interest has to do with the fact that clothing is intimately worn around the body like a “second skin”. I enjoy studying form, movement, color, how the body interacts with cloth, how design can shape and reflect a person’s identity, and how materials interact with different physical environments."

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Interview Feature: Tan Kheng Hua

"Light inspires me. The sea inspires me. The mountains. Reading. Beauty. Kindness. Wisdom. Humility really inspires me. Virtuosity with humility is a fantastic combination too. Traveling inspires me. The fact that we can fail and pick ourselves up again inspires me. My child inspires me greatly. Love. That we can love so hard, so deep, so long is a big big inspiration."
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Interview feature - Sharda Harrison

"I expanded my craft into an actress who could move. Later on, I became a teacher and coach and thought about how I could teach non-performers or people who are not interested in professional acting but could empower themselves through these skills. I might get my clients to do breathing exercises like qi gong or yoga, and theatrical practices like stretching and voice works."
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A.Oei Fashion Show

In 2019, I created two public fashion shows in Seattle with the aims of: 1) introducing my designs; 2) presenting fashion as an artistic endeavor and a durable form of craft; 3) making luxury fashion accessible and interesting for the general public. 

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